What am i wearing :
Bracers - *
MUKA * Spike Bracers
Shoes -
Harness -.
:Vein:. Faded Blue- High Rise Pants - harness part of the outfit
Nails - ..:Energie::.. Long Point Mesh Nails Bag
Phones - FLite.- Fly Phone - Macabre - Common #8 @
The Arcade
Hair -
little bones Rapunxel - Ombre&Roots
Nose ring -
POMPOSITY - Septum 1G Nose Piercing Gacha
Joint - Zaara [Goa party] : 23 Weed Joint @
The Arcade
Shout outs to me main redhead for doing this post with me <3 thanks doll
What i am wearing (right)
Outfit - .::Supernatural::. Helena corset and panties boots, garter and necklace @
:Z.S: Upside down cross piercing
Make up -
Soiree - Cheek Contour / Razorbone
Headband .:*
LOULOU&CO *:. - Headband :: LUMAT :: Black
Collar - (epia) - Spike Collar (black) @
The Arcade
Necklace - (epia) - Egyptian Princess Necklace (gold) @
The Arcade
What Siren is wearing (left)
Corset - -Pixicat- Temptation.Corset - Dark (m) RARE - @
The Arcade
Collar -
MUKA Wicca Collar
Earings - .random.Matter. - Sarrah Earrings - Black
Ring - Birdy (Foxes) - Melancholy Ring set - Silver
You just got to figure out what type of fucked up you're into...
We've figured it out..Have you?!?
Luv Baby Thug & Lana
What Svetlana is Wearing:
{D.A} Shattered - Silver
Lip Dermal~
-RYCA- Lip-piercing Diamond/ Platinum
(r)M , AD(o.02) // Posture
Dress~ -Pixicat- Darling.Dress @
Ankle Boots~
[MODA] Kali Ankle Platform
What Vix is Wearing :
Shoes ~
Indecent Exposure Pretty Laced N - Blk
Skirt ~ MoDANNA [Minuit Collection] Mix'n'Match Long Skirt
Bustier ~
Blueberry - Jada - Reflective Tied Bustier
Nails ~ ..:Energie::.. Long Point Mesh Nails Bag
Glasses ~.
:villena:. - Double frame round glasses
Collar - .
Keystone. Penta-Collars
Headband ~
Nose piercing ~
POMPOSITY - Septum 1G Nose Piercing Gacha
Dragon ~ +Half-Deer+ Solstice Dragon - Ninja @
The Arcade
Joint - Zaara [Goa party] : 23 Weed Joint @
The Arcade
Piercing ~ :
Zombie.Suicide : Upside down cross piercing
Lashes ~
Pink Acid Alpha Top Eyelashes
Bracelets ~ [
AdN ] DARK PRINCESS Goth Cross Bracelets
Tattoo ~
{ Speakeasy } Divinity Tattoo
Contour ~
Soiree - Cheek Contour / Razorbone
Hair ~
MINA Hair - Ariana